After Sales Support
We want you to be completely happy with your order but we understand that sometimes you might need some assistance.
On receipt of your delivery
We’d always ask you to check your order on arrival and inform us immediately if there are any discrepancies. If items have arrived damaged please photograph the item and packaging and retain the packaging until you’ve heard from us.
On installation of equipment
Our support team are available for any queries related to the hardware you’ve purchased. Please contact us detailing your order number, some information about the issue and the serial number of the product.
Warranty Claims
Details of the warranty on your order is supplied on your invoice. If you have any hardware faults during this period please get in touch and our support team will work with you to diagnose the problem and arrange replacement parts where required.
Customer Support Contact
Email – [email protected]
Phone - +44 (0) 1556 610167
Or speak to us via LiveChat
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